
Released on Élan Vital Recordings

Élan Vital vital035

Writings become more cohesive, and music flows through the air. As I traverse this winding path, emotions deepen within me. I sense a dormant feeling stirring, nudging me towards oblivion. Like the trees, I am alive. Yet, each day brings me closer to death, only to be reborn again before confronting it once more. The fear of condemnation to death, akin to the dread of solitude, sometimes overwhelms me.

At times, I feel like an aged sage; at others, I embody the fearless girl enamored with life, or the silent, needy child yearning for maternal care. Although I know tranquility is fleeting, the fear that I might not leave a lasting mark still haunts me. I exist to create.
I should fade into obscurity amidst the bustling cities and among the throngs of people, erased from their memories. Yet, I hope someone recalls me while gazing at the spaces between the trees. Finding solace in the notion of enduring in their thoughts, for one day, they too will meet their end. We endure the cycle of mortality, akin to the cycle of the trees' demise.

To order a Limited Edition CD via élan vital recordings click here

To watch the video for 'Ambedo' on YouTube click here

Released August 9, 2024
©2024 élan vital recordings
Written and produced by Gaetha
Mixed and mastered by Gaetha
Cover and inlay artwork by Gaetha
Video for 'Ambedo' directed by Toni Dimitrov

Video for Ambedo - Directed by Tony Dimitrov


From Artist To Art I