As Above So Below,

As Within So Without

Released on Oak Wave Odyssey, an electronic duo by Maryam Kiani and Gaetha.


“As Above So Below, As Within So Without” is an album created through the collaboration of Maryam Kiani and Abtin Sadati, inspired by the ancient writings of the “Hermetica.” Each of the nine tracks in the album tells a distinct story, contributing to a cohesive narrative that explores themes of emotions, spiritual journeys, and spirituality. Inside the info of each track, you can also read the poem and story.

Drawing from the wisdom found in the “Hermetica,” Maryam and Abtin sought to convey profound insights and hidden traditions through their focused composition and sound design. The album offers a unique perspective on creation and humanity, infused with poetic elements and layers of meaning inspired by the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.

Released April 14, 2024
©2024 Oak Wave Odyssey
Produced and Mixed by Gaetha & Maryam Kiani
Mastered by Gaetha
Art & Design by Maryam Kiani


From Artist To Art I


Parallel Echoes